Depending on the product we have different delivery times, an overview
can be found here. If you need a shorter delivery date,
we offer our express service for many products, "Express" = on
2nd working day outgoing and "Super-Express" = outgoing on the next working day,
You can get details via the info button directly on the products.
No, you can also send us your inquiry/order by email or
via our contact form. If you have any questions, we will of course help you
also happy to help by phone.
Especially for digital fabric printing, almost all of our
Fabric qualities from a German manufacturer and Oeko-Tex
certified. We also have very special printing materials in
program made from PET bottles, e.g. "Eco-Banner
light" is a fleece-like material that we
for endless banners and start numbers. From the flag material
"Polygreen", which is also made from PET bottles, can
we produce flags, beach flags, banners and decorative flags.
For printing inks we use environmentally friendly, water-based
We are particularly proud of our own production
our "Premium" beach flag poles, which we produce completely with
all the accessories in Salzburg and are not like most
Competitor products imported from faraway China.